Frequently Asked Questions.
Egg donation usually takes about 4- 5 weeks, ranging from the drugs intakes to the injections which are given to boost the quality of the eggs.
To be a donor you must undergo series of screenings,investigations test, you must know your BMI, you must undergo a test called pap smear Neg, you must have have a NIN, you should be above 18 and below 26,y our genotype and blood group are highly required, you must have a hospital record showing you are free from HIV,syphilis, and hepertitis B and C
The implant takes about 5-6 weeks. Starting from the screening of the surrogate, investigations, series of scans and then the implant.
After the transplant of the embryos, you are expected to have enough rest,and eat healthy diet, do healthy exercise, you are expected to relax your brains ad hope for the best.