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Six Things A Woman Should Do Before Trying IVF

Females should keep a check on their Egg Reserve:
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) test can be done to check the egg reserve. It can be performed at any time during the cycle. As you know, there is no test for egg quality, but the older one gets lower the egg quality goes. Women who have a low AMH score will be advised by their doctors regarding the next steps and options.

Eat Healthy for your Fertility:
A vegetable-based diet is healthy for any woman, but those who have fibroids, estrogen dominance, and hormonal problems should consider it in particular. It is better to avoid meat and dairy products if you have fibroids or hormonal imbalance problems. You should have a healthy weight as being either overweight or underweight can also impact fertility in both men and women. Both partners should follow a healthy lifestyle, it will help to increase the chances of getting pregnant with assisted reproductive methods.

Prevent damage to the sperm:
Certain items such as lubricants, though they may make sexual intercourse more comfortable, can affect the sperm number. So it’s important to look for a sperm-friendly one specifically while purchasing a lubricant. Also, it would be better to avoid hot tubs, laptops on the lap, and saunas.

Reduce the stress level:
Stress has been scientifically proven to decrease fertility. As undergoing the IVF process can be stressful itself, you should not think too much and stay positive during this period. In fact, women who are under a lot of stress are 40 percent less likely to conceive when they’re fertile. There are many things you can do to de-stress, including laughter, exercise, vacation, meditation, and yoga.

Reduce or eliminate coffee:
It will not easy to give up on coffee if you have a habit of having it every day in the morning. Studies have shown that coffee can affect fertility because of caffeine and other toxic substances. The chances of miscarriages increase for a couple that drinks more than two caffeinated beverages a day. It is advisable to have green tea or other herbal tea instead.

Take supplements, but confirm with the doctor
As you are already aware that a healthy diet is a must, you can also include certain health supplements. Also, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, and limiting the use of alcohol is important. It is advisable to take 400 micrograms of folic acid every day and prenatal vitamins to prevent neural tube defects. But talk to the doctor before starting on these medicines. It is also suggested to take a coenzyme Q10 supplement too, as it will help to improve fertility.

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